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Hear Dennis Stroughmatt on NPR All Things Considered

Dennis Stroughmatt was featured on All Things Considered, NPR, on Tuesday, September 23, 2014.

Read and hear him here, talking about the Missouri Creole Paw Paw French music, people, language.



Video Link #1: Missouri Creole Music and 2-minute tour

Video Link #2: Library of Congress performance

Here are a few more recent stories about Dennis Stroughmatt, his band, and his work as the Ambassador of Missouri Creole traditions

ABC News Feature  (in English)

En Francais  Slate.FR Feature

Here’s the Slate.FR feature, in English

Dennis Stroughmatt is available for performances as soloist, and with his band, Dennis Stroughmatt et l’Esprit Creole. In Illinois, non-profit presenters may apply for a Road Scholars grant from the Illinois Humanities Council to fund a solo performance.

In May 2014, Dennis received the Missouri Humanities Award for Exemplary Community Achievement.  This link provides more on Dennis and his remarkable story.

Contact us at 630-557-2742 to learn more about bringing Dennis to your community for performances.

Or email  jmurdock@artistsofnote.com (but please give us a phone number)